THE SWISS ACCOUNT 1- This is an REAL WORLD alternate reality puzzle game (ARPG) 2- Your friends (and enemies) are in on the puzzle. 3- You open the ARPG with others by saying "I want to talk abou the Swiss account". 4- You close the ARPG with others by saying "I don't want to talk about the Swiss account anymore" OR by leaving the conversation altogether. 5- You can start the ARPG any time after Dec 13, 2015 but you must start it before Feb 17, 2016. 6- You start the ARPG by calling the owner of this book 7- Once the ARPG has started your objectives will become clear to you fairly quickly 8- Once the ARPG has started you will have until 8pm 12 days later to solve it 9- THERE ARE NO HINTS 10- You can ask Donovan at any time or confirm or deny that the game is working as planned 11- I (and your friends and your enemies) have made this game with love for you in the hopes you will enjoy it. 12- I have no idea if this will be too hard or too easy but I have tried my best to make it fun for you. 13- Win or lose there's another gift for you on the other side 14- Think hard, Encyclopedia Drummond, and have fun!